

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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28 Jacob sent Judah ahead to ask Joseph to meet them in Goshen. When they arrived, 29 Joseph got in his chariot and went to Goshen to meet his father. When they met, Joseph threw his arms around his father's neck and cried for a long time. 30 Jacob said to Joseph. "I am ready to die, now that I have seen you and know that you are still alive."
31 Then Joseph sadi to his brothers and the rest of his father's family," I must go and tell the king that my brothers and all my father's family, who were living in Canaan, hvae come to me. 32 I will tell him that you you are shepherds and take care of livestock and that you have brought your flocks and herds and everything else  that belongs to you. 33 When the king calls for you and asks what your occupation is. 34 be sure to tell him that you have taken care of livestock all your lives, just as your ancestor did. In this way he will let you live in the region of Gohen." Joseph said this because Egyptians will have nothing to do with shepherds.